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Open email aan ‘Vogelaarsloper’ Jort

Van: Kaj
Aan: Jort Kelder
Onderwerp: ‘Bennie links, bennie rechts’
Verzonden:  16:32, donderdag 22/11/2007 

Leuk stukkie op je site Jort, naar aanleiding van je bezoek aan ‘Pauw & Witteman’ en de discussie die je daar had met minister Ella Vogelaar (PvdA – ‘nuff said). Ik kan je verbazing over de mate van polarisatie wel begrijpen, maar aan de andere kant dacht ik ook: als je nu pas in de gaten krijgt hoe gepolariseerd Nederland is, onder welke steen heb jij dan geleefd de afgelopen tijd?

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On Ayaan Hirsi Ali: First the facts, then the opinions please

Much has been said about Ayaan Hirsi Ali, both in the Netherlands and abroad, and in order to discuss her, it is wise to first be fully acquinted with facts. But once again, a writer from abroad, this time Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post, has written this column about Ms Hirsi Ali littered with factual mistakes, which – sadly – give a wrong impression about the Dutch view on Ms Hirsi Ali.. Based on fuzzy facts, Ms Applebaum next accuses the Dutch state of betraying Ayaan Hirsi Ali, abandoning her and leaving her to her own devices. At, an obviously very angry Christopher Hitchens does the same. Yet the story from a Dutch perspective, Ms Applebaum and Mr Hitchens, is found below, and it migh be enlightening.