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Just imagine…

Imagine that there is a very well organised paramilitary group of mercenaries running around town. They’re heavily armed, and they will shoot you if you so much as approach them without first identifying yourself from at least 200 feet away.

Imagine that you’ve seen these men shooting and killing unarmed citizens in a street and then simply driving away from the scene fast. Then imagine that you go to the police to report yourself as being a witness to a shooting – and you’re told to go home because your own police has no jurisdiction over the armed men.

Imagine that you later find yourself at a Christmas Eve party, where some of the armed men are also present, and one of them gets drunk and has an argument with one of your friends – and the drunk armed man pulls a gun and shoots your friend.

You go to the police that very evening to report yourself as a witness to a shooting – and you’re told to go home because your own police has no jurisdiction over the armed men.

Then imagine that you pick up a newspaper a year later and read an article about how an armed man, who on Christmas Eve a year ago shot and killed somebody at a party, and was quickly moved out of the country without any charges being filed against him – much less that he was identified – and that the family of your killed friend was given $15,000 in compensation. And that the family also wanted to press charges against the killer – but that your government can’t do that because they until this day still don’t know where the killer is, and because the organisation to which the killer belongs simply refuses to hand over the man’s name and address.

In fact, imagine trying to trace the man down and then finding out that this is impossible as he was never registered anywhere when he entered your country. Also imagine that he never applied for a visa because he didn’t need one as your local police officers never dared to approach him because he was heavily armed.

Now imagine that the country you live in is the United States of America.