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John Edwards, king|queenmaker

John EdwardsHe’ll never admit it until the proper time comes — which could be any time of his choosing — but John Edwards in the back of his mind must know by now that he’s not going to win the nomination to be the Democratic Party’s candidate for the US presidency in 2008. In Iowa, New Hampshire and even South Carolina, Edwards has fallen back to third place in the polls. If he comes in third in Iowa, his entire strategy will have failed and he will have no other option than to drop out. And so the $1 million question then is: who will John Edwards endorse? Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?

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Graeme Frost, or: how the GOP wingnuts fell into a trap

It isn’t often that one gets to see an example of hatred that is so blinding that spouters of political bile jump into a trap with eyes wide open. Yet that is the case with the right-wing extremists who have thrown themselves like a pack of howling wolves onto Graeme Frost and his family. Like hideous vampires mad for blood who have found a new born baby in its crib, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh and the other Undead are feasting on middle-class flesh while their hideous laughter and screaming fills the humid air. But all this time they don’t realise that many, many people who identify with the Frosts are learning a valuable lesson: the right-wing extremists of the GOP hate white, middle-class American familes.

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Karl Rove has resigned and is to leave the White House on August 31. The reason: he wants to spend time with his family have his hands free, to be out of the spotlight while working – mercenary-style – for whoever gets nominated as the GOP candidate in 2008. That, or help the GOP’s Congressional campaign in the same year. Because Rove’s wife knows that her husband has blood type P running to his veins, and he can’t leave it alone.

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Al Gore remains as ambiguous as ever about whether or not he will again run for the presidency. He has thus far said either “no” or makes statements that imply a “no”, but has until now not definitively and completely ruled out another run. Of course, he has some very sound reasons not to run for president again, some of them tied to the realities of being president, while other reasons seem more personal. Aside from that, remaining ambiguous as he has also keeps him in the attention limelight, which is good for people who want to sell an idea, or even books. But on the other hand: if Gore is so adamant that his nation’s stance on global warming should change, then there is one glaring reason, one truth why he should run: it is only a president that can turn ideas into law.

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Dutch Crack Down On Voting Machines

The Dutch Government last week decided to decommission 10% of the total number of voting machines ahead of the national elections slated for November 22. The reason: a study by the Dutch National Intellligence and Security Service (AIVD) found that the machines gave off electronic radiation which allowed a person using the proper tools to “see” what a voter selected on the machines in real-time.

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Regelmatig komen diverse politieke partijen met plannen om politici toch vooral direct gekozen te laten worden. De direct gekozen burgemeester, de direct gekozen minister-president, direct gekozen, district-gebonden Tweede Kamer-leden: de voorstellen staan in diverse partijprogramma’s. Gezien het zogenaamde feit dat wij in Nederland 20 jaar later alles zouden doen wat in de Verenigde staten gebeurt, kunnen die plannen maar beter van tafel.

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US Elections: Some Easy Lessons To See Through the BS

If you think the Democrats have a hold on the midterm elections for Congress, think again. The Grand Old Party is not going to lose so easily. Here’s a small lesson to keep in mind to make sure that they, or any other powermongering beast will lose.